My first year in Civic Mirror was definitely eventful. I bought an apartment, a farm, and insurance broker, made a contract with three other guys, got robbed, I even got fined 3000 dollars for something I didn’t do.

I still don’t completely understand the Civic Mirror, but I understand it more and more every day we play. I think the hardest thing for me to understand is the purpose of it in our class. I definitely had a few problems with it, but the one that stood above any other was the judicial system. I was clearly innocent in a court case, but was proclaimed guilty due to a bias jury. Not only that, but my sentence was changed to be much worse than the original sentence. I have a major problem with this, but I’m not quite sure what to do about it. I’m going to take the judge to court next year, but I feel like I could lose just as easy as Mr. Kemp selects a random name out of a hat.

 Though this year was eventful, it was definitely not in my favour. I hope that next year goes better for me, and maybe I might even get some energy to power my apartment and my farm. 

Coming home. These two words can mean so many different things; it all depends on what you think of as being “home”. Home can mean so many things to so many different people, it can even mean different things depending on who you’re addressing when using the word. For example, when I’m talking to my dad, and I say “I’m coming home around 11:00”, it means I’m going to my dad’s around 11:00. While if I was talking to my mom, and I said the exact same 5 words, in the same sequence, it would mean I’m going to my mom’s at 11:00.

At the same time, “home” can also mean many different things depending on how far from “home” you really are. If you’re a famous singer traveling the world, when you say you’re coming “home” you could be referring to your entire country. At the same time, if you’re a famous singer who’s walking to their grandparent’s house down the street, “coming home” would be referring to returning the house that you live in. On a greater scale, an astronaut visiting the moon may think of “home” as being the entire world. This is a big idea to grasp. How the entire world can be called home by one person, while there are billions of different people’s “homes” scattered across our earth. Essentially, this means that there are billion of people’s home’s that all exist in the “home” of one person looking at earth from a completely different perspective.

I think another aspect that helps define what “home” is to one individual is that individual’s patriotism. How can someone live so far from their birthplace for so long and still not think of it as being “home”? Is this ignorance? Is this the way things should be? I mean, you moved here for a reason, obviously you’re current country is treating you better in some way/form or you wouldn’t be living in it (theoretically). How can one know so little about their country, but still be patriotic towards it?

I guess it’s all opinion, but I personally feel that your home should be a place where you feel comfortable. If you were born into a country filled with war, and you emigrated from that country at a young age, so you could live in a peaceful place with great benefits and job opportunities, why is your emotional attachment to your birthplace country so strong that you refer to it as “home”?  Besides the idea that being born in another place is considered “cool” you should not feel obligated to do this. I consider this to be ignorance, but like I said, it’s all opinion. .
_ 3. Meechy Darko. Meech is 1/3 of one of my favourite groups: “Flatbush Zombies”. The reason I put him in my top 3 list is because of his uniqueness. His voice may be my favourite voice to ever enter the rap game. Not to mention his genius lyrics and flow. His use of high and low tones in his voice while he spits to emphasise certain words is ridiculous. He even proves himself as a producer on the track “Face Off”. The vibe that you get every time this guy spits a verse is impossible to duplicate. I highly recommend that you check out The Flatbush Zombies. My favourite tracks are: “MRAZ”, “Drama”, “Mary, Nothing Above Thee”, and “Breakfast At ePiffanies”.

2. AK. AK is ½ of another one of my favourite groups: “The Underachievers”. AK is 2nd on my list because of his flow. I listen to a lot of hip/hop, and I have never heard a flow like AK’s. It is perfection. The best part is that he makes it sound like he’s not even trying. There is nothing extremely unique about AK, but when you listen to him you’ll realise that he has perfected his style. I almost feel bad for the other member of The Underachievers, Issa Dash, because every time you listen to a song, you just want AK’s verse to come in. My favourite tracks are: “Revelations”, “My Prism”, “6th Sense”, “Herb Shuttles”, and “The Mandhi”.

1. MF  DOOM. For me, DOOM is the best of all time... hands downs. He changed the whole game with his raw, dark style of rap and production. He’s had albums on the top 10 list time and time again. His lyrics are the most innovative of any MC I’ve ever listened to. I’ve listened to the album “Madvillainy” countless times, and almost every time I listen to it, I realize the true meaning behind lyrics I thought of as being meaningless. In addition to being great at all these things, DOOM is also one of my all-time favourite producers. The complexity in some of his beats is unreal, but at the same time, the simplicity and cleanness of other beats of his is genius. My favourite tracks are: “Figaro”, “Vomitspit”, “All Caps”, “The Fine Print”, “Strange Ways”, and “Benzie Box”.

_ All my life religion has been there. I was born into it. Both my parents are Christians and I’ve been going to church every Sunday all my life. I used to think about it a lot, but I never really questioned it. I guess I always just assumed that anything my parents tell me is true. This is something that’s been a challenge to me as I get older. I remember when I was little and I would lie in bed thinking about how impossible the whole idea of Santa really was, but I never said anything about it because my parents would never lie to me. The whole idea of God and religion is the same thing, if I never question any of it, or explore any other religion, I’m an ignorant person.

Lately, this has been troubling me more and more. As I gain more knowledge and expand my thoughts further, the whole idea of believing in something so impossible, that I’ll never be able to physically see, is something that’s hard for me to grasp. It’s gotten to the point where I’m over the whole spiritual part of religion, I need some proof.

I’ve recently discovered videos and books by Josh McDowell. He first set out to write a book that would completely disprove everything surrounding religion, but as he dug deeper into the subject, he ended up writing a book achieving the exact opposite. This book is called ‘Evidence That Demands a Verdict’. I’ve started reading this book, and looking into some of his tapes and videos on YouTube, and I highly recommend them to anyone struggling with the idea of religion. He addresses many of the things I had been struggling with believing in.

I’m not done my research yet, but I feel like everyone should go through a phase like this. I know that no matter what, I’ll always have a religion; I just need to be sure I’m practicing the right one. I can’t imagine living life thinking that we have no purpose, we just came from monkeys and we’re just here because science put us here. It’s so obvious that we all have a greater purpose, but maybe that’s just the way I view life.

 In this blog post, i'll discuss my 3 favourite movies of all time, and explain why they're such good movies.

3. Raging Bull. My third favourite movie of all time has to be Raging Bull. Raging Bull was directed by Martin Scorsese, and it stars Robert De Niro. This is my favourite movie for many reasons. The cinematography and lighting is next to flawless for the entire film. Not to mention the production. I think that, above all things, what makes this film so great is De Niro's performance. In my opinion it's one of the best performances of all time.                                                                                                                                                           2. Donnie Darko. Donnie Darko is a movie that is almost opposite to Raging Bull. Raging Bull is so good because of the filming and editing. Donnie Darko is such a good movie all because of the plot. The plot is about a schizophrenic who sees a giant bunny that gives him tasks that he has to complete, but it's so much more than that. Jake Gyllenhaal was also the perfect choice for the role of Donnie Darko.                                                                                                                                                                                             1. Once Upon A Time In America. I am convinced that this is the best movie of all time. Hands down. This movie is directed by Sergio Leone, who happens to be one of my favourite directors. He is more well known for "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly". This movie stars Robert De Niro, who is my all-time favourite actor. The movie is about a gang, and the crimes they commit during the
prohibition. This movie is 222 minutes long, but it's worth watching every second. If you don't believe me, watch it and see for yourself. .


    I'm a film photographer. I guess part of the reason for this is because i'm too broke to afford an expensive dslr, but there's something else that i love about shooting with film. People in society always assume that everything newer is better. Everything that involves more technology is better. I disagree. The quality and the depth of film photography is something that will never be captured through digital photography. Not to mention the feel of an old school camera and the sound it makes when you press down the shutter. 
Another reason i love film is because i love a challenge. The thought of being able to take 50 pictures in a second of the same subject just to ensure that you get the perfect picture isn't something that appeals to me. With film, you've got one shot. And even after you take that shot, you don't get to see it for atleast a day, so you can't just go back and shoot the exact same thing with the same lighting if you don't like the first one. 

    Anyone can pick up digital camera, point it at something and press a button, but you have to know what you're doing to shoot film. I'm not saying that there aren't great digital photographers out there, because there are. What i'm saying is that there are a lot of spoiled kids out there who's parents give them a $1000 nikon for christmas, and the kid goes around shooting on auto claiming that they're a photographer.