_ All my life religion has been there. I was born into it. Both my parents are Christians and I’ve been going to church every Sunday all my life. I used to think about it a lot, but I never really questioned it. I guess I always just assumed that anything my parents tell me is true. This is something that’s been a challenge to me as I get older. I remember when I was little and I would lie in bed thinking about how impossible the whole idea of Santa really was, but I never said anything about it because my parents would never lie to me. The whole idea of God and religion is the same thing, if I never question any of it, or explore any other religion, I’m an ignorant person.

Lately, this has been troubling me more and more. As I gain more knowledge and expand my thoughts further, the whole idea of believing in something so impossible, that I’ll never be able to physically see, is something that’s hard for me to grasp. It’s gotten to the point where I’m over the whole spiritual part of religion, I need some proof.

I’ve recently discovered videos and books by Josh McDowell. He first set out to write a book that would completely disprove everything surrounding religion, but as he dug deeper into the subject, he ended up writing a book achieving the exact opposite. This book is called ‘Evidence That Demands a Verdict’. I’ve started reading this book, and looking into some of his tapes and videos on YouTube, and I highly recommend them to anyone struggling with the idea of religion. He addresses many of the things I had been struggling with believing in.

I’m not done my research yet, but I feel like everyone should go through a phase like this. I know that no matter what, I’ll always have a religion; I just need to be sure I’m practicing the right one. I can’t imagine living life thinking that we have no purpose, we just came from monkeys and we’re just here because science put us here. It’s so obvious that we all have a greater purpose, but maybe that’s just the way I view life.

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