    I'm a film photographer. I guess part of the reason for this is because i'm too broke to afford an expensive dslr, but there's something else that i love about shooting with film. People in society always assume that everything newer is better. Everything that involves more technology is better. I disagree. The quality and the depth of film photography is something that will never be captured through digital photography. Not to mention the feel of an old school camera and the sound it makes when you press down the shutter. 
Another reason i love film is because i love a challenge. The thought of being able to take 50 pictures in a second of the same subject just to ensure that you get the perfect picture isn't something that appeals to me. With film, you've got one shot. And even after you take that shot, you don't get to see it for atleast a day, so you can't just go back and shoot the exact same thing with the same lighting if you don't like the first one. 

    Anyone can pick up digital camera, point it at something and press a button, but you have to know what you're doing to shoot film. I'm not saying that there aren't great digital photographers out there, because there are. What i'm saying is that there are a lot of spoiled kids out there who's parents give them a $1000 nikon for christmas, and the kid goes around shooting on auto claiming that they're a photographer.

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