Coming home. These two words can mean so many different things; it all depends on what you think of as being “home”. Home can mean so many things to so many different people, it can even mean different things depending on who you’re addressing when using the word. For example, when I’m talking to my dad, and I say “I’m coming home around 11:00”, it means I’m going to my dad’s around 11:00. While if I was talking to my mom, and I said the exact same 5 words, in the same sequence, it would mean I’m going to my mom’s at 11:00.

At the same time, “home” can also mean many different things depending on how far from “home” you really are. If you’re a famous singer traveling the world, when you say you’re coming “home” you could be referring to your entire country. At the same time, if you’re a famous singer who’s walking to their grandparent’s house down the street, “coming home” would be referring to returning the house that you live in. On a greater scale, an astronaut visiting the moon may think of “home” as being the entire world. This is a big idea to grasp. How the entire world can be called home by one person, while there are billions of different people’s “homes” scattered across our earth. Essentially, this means that there are billion of people’s home’s that all exist in the “home” of one person looking at earth from a completely different perspective.

I think another aspect that helps define what “home” is to one individual is that individual’s patriotism. How can someone live so far from their birthplace for so long and still not think of it as being “home”? Is this ignorance? Is this the way things should be? I mean, you moved here for a reason, obviously you’re current country is treating you better in some way/form or you wouldn’t be living in it (theoretically). How can one know so little about their country, but still be patriotic towards it?

I guess it’s all opinion, but I personally feel that your home should be a place where you feel comfortable. If you were born into a country filled with war, and you emigrated from that country at a young age, so you could live in a peaceful place with great benefits and job opportunities, why is your emotional attachment to your birthplace country so strong that you refer to it as “home”?  Besides the idea that being born in another place is considered “cool” you should not feel obligated to do this. I consider this to be ignorance, but like I said, it’s all opinion. .

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